Alla prima painting portrait of a woman Art Painting Woman portrait painting Oil study painted spontaneously with the water soluble oils in about half an hour. the main objective was…
“Fields and Willows” – painting study Art Painting "Fields and Willows" Study in landscape, first sketched on location, finished in studio.Watercolor painting on paper, scene from Polish countryside,Masovian…
Beehives – watercolor study Art Painting "Beehives" A5 size 300gWatercolor study no.2, painted en plein air on a hot day in 2015,on paper, just before the…
“Old stone barn” oil on board Art Painting Plein air painting sketch from 2015, created in Nowe Guty, Polish village in Masuria. Old stone barn with partially wooden…
Polish Countryside ‘Kuligow’ watercolor Art Painting “Kuligow” Watercolor painting on paper, rural scene from Polish countrysideA5 size, 2012 Read about the painting process
Pear, peach and banana watercolor painting Art Painting "Pear peach and banana"watercolor painting, sketch on paperstudy in shape, color and technique18x25cm