Old paper background still goes up

Texture background of an old photo

Latest numbers (June 2011) are 20330 and 7630 downloads for a particular file.

I March.2009 I’ve posted a small post about this very popular file. In about one month it had 5284 downloads at my  sxc.hu gallery.
sxc.hu site is no more active – look here instead

Now the number is 11514, after next five months, so things slowing down but anyways it is pretty good result i think.

With pencil doodles

That second background image submitted at the same time was downloaded about 4743 downloads.

Update 18.11.2009

Actually after next four months in November it is 13895 for the first file and 5467 for the second.
Things slightly slow down, altough pages with those files got nice Google pagerank and traffic what can be very useful.

New Vintage style materials and backgrounds collection got started at my Dreamstime portfolio. It’s small  so far, but I add consecutively  new files.

In time I’ll submit other  textures, I’ve  used only  works of mine. ( View  image collections page for more)

Old, aged textures

Particular images of these available also at my other stock portfolios.

You can also read about some funny issue with submitting my own drawings to Fotolia (just when I’m writing this post) …

Twitter -> post 1 , post 2

In short:  what for are there all these checkboxes You have to click to state that  You are the autor of  submitted works if they order then to send another release forms for own illustration, weird and crazy.

Old photo paper with a house drawingThus I’ll have to write some release statement for this trivial sketch.

Message from Fotolia

Drawing is intellectual property, you need to upload property release so we can have documented that it is yours. Without release we can not put it online. We hope it is clear now what you need to do.

Best regards
Fotolia team

For polish submitters

W przypadku skanowanej ilustracji, jak rozumiem w Pana przypadku, potrzebna jest zgoda autora na rozpowszechnianie wizerunku tej ilustracji, nawet jeśli autor lub właściciel przedmiotu jest tą samą osobą, która oferuje plik na serwisie Fotolia. Powinien Pan zatem podpisać umowę na rozpowszechnianie wizerunku do dóbr w obydwu polach i dołączyć do pliku wysłanego do bazy.

Z pozdrowieniami,

Old photo paber backgroundSure, no problem, but how the…
did they approved my previous illustration before.? ;)

3 responses to “Old paper background still goes up”

  1. I too have recently uploaded old paper images (user ID theswedish), I uploaded it six months ago and checking just now I see it hit 7,000 downloads. I really dislike Getty Images, used them in the past and they are ultra expensive, not the free for everyone community site that stock.xchng once was. Guess I have to delete my photos and find a new site? I would be grateful if you could suggest an alternative.

    Oh and BTW, love your honest blog.

    • plrang says:

      Would be better if such textures submitted to microstock would sell as often as they are downloaded ;)
      Anyways it depends on what You really want to achieve and what You fell for giving images for free. Your profile and some images have nice page rank, there is link to Your home page thus…
      I am on iStock so i don’t delete my images from sxc.hu for now. I fell sad for that Gety takeover too, but what can we do. If things will go wrong i’ll find some free images site through google or just put these to flickr, deviantart or my own home page for free and that’s all.
      Thanks for Your kind words, greetings

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