Meet the brand new Twitter bot
How to discover new artists? Art Around A Head – @artahead
Here comes my new software project, this time a Twitter bot written in Python. Why another bot? Well, first off I needed some task to refresh my Python knowledge. My previous Twitter bots were pretty primitive sets of different tools. Feed mergers, analyzers and updaters, like Yahoo Pipes or Feed Burner, Twitterfeed and iftt. Nothing special.
At the same time I got enough of all of those streams, curated by all the social networks, where I can never find what I really like. Everybody retweets the same “popular/trendy” posts and the same “popular” people appear on each timeline.
So! An automated friendly twitter bot was something good to work on.
I’ll create a special page for it soon. At the moment it’s just an info post without any detailed data.
If you like art and especially the watercolor paintings I hope you gonna like this bot too!
Leave me some thoughts!?
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